Tuesday, September 16, 2014


I remember one time I was out with Syler my almost 4 year old.  We were at Chickfila (the greatest restaurant ever!!) and I went to order our food.  After I had ordered, I turned around to get my boy and go sit down, but he wasn't there.  He was GONE!!!  If you are a parent you will understand this, a sense of dread and fear came over me like nothing I had ever felt before.  I began looking and shouting his name.  Luckily for me I found him not long after he had dissapeared, he had made his way over to the play area.  After I grabbed him and hugged him, we had a good "talking" and later had a great time.

I remember thinking later on about that experiencing.  If that's how I felt about my son being lost, how does GOD feel about people who are far from him?  I believe and I believe that the scriptures support this, that GOD'S heart breaks for those who don't know him.  In fact in scripture we read in Luke 19:10 that "the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost…"

As I grow as a follower of Jesus, the closer I get to HIM, the more I will care about what HE cares about, and I believe that the number 1 thing that Jesus cares about is people coming in to His Kingdom.  FOUND PEOPLE FIND PEOPLE!

In the Gospel of John he gives us two examples of people who couldn't help but tell someone about Jesus and bring them to Him.  We find the story in John 1:40-51.  Jesus found Andrew and then Andrew found his brother Simon.  Then Jesus found Philip and Philip found Nathanael.  Andrew and Philip, after being found by Jesus, couldn't help but go and find someone else and GET THEM TO JESUS!!  In other words, John is showing us that "FOUND PEOPLE FIND PEOPLE!"  Once you have been found by Jesus, His love COMPELS you to go out, find others and bring them to Him.

When Jesus truly CHANGES YOU, you can't help but TELL SOMEONE!!

This week, who has GOD placed on your heart to have a conversation with, invite to church, spend some time with, grab a coffee and begin investing in them with the purpose of sharing Jesus.

If VELOCITY is going to grow, we as His followers must adopt and live this out….FOUND PEOPLE FIND PEOPLE!

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