Tuesday, September 16, 2014


I remember one time I was out with Syler my almost 4 year old.  We were at Chickfila (the greatest restaurant ever!!) and I went to order our food.  After I had ordered, I turned around to get my boy and go sit down, but he wasn't there.  He was GONE!!!  If you are a parent you will understand this, a sense of dread and fear came over me like nothing I had ever felt before.  I began looking and shouting his name.  Luckily for me I found him not long after he had dissapeared, he had made his way over to the play area.  After I grabbed him and hugged him, we had a good "talking" and later had a great time.

I remember thinking later on about that experiencing.  If that's how I felt about my son being lost, how does GOD feel about people who are far from him?  I believe and I believe that the scriptures support this, that GOD'S heart breaks for those who don't know him.  In fact in scripture we read in Luke 19:10 that "the Son of Man came to seek and save the lost…"

As I grow as a follower of Jesus, the closer I get to HIM, the more I will care about what HE cares about, and I believe that the number 1 thing that Jesus cares about is people coming in to His Kingdom.  FOUND PEOPLE FIND PEOPLE!

In the Gospel of John he gives us two examples of people who couldn't help but tell someone about Jesus and bring them to Him.  We find the story in John 1:40-51.  Jesus found Andrew and then Andrew found his brother Simon.  Then Jesus found Philip and Philip found Nathanael.  Andrew and Philip, after being found by Jesus, couldn't help but go and find someone else and GET THEM TO JESUS!!  In other words, John is showing us that "FOUND PEOPLE FIND PEOPLE!"  Once you have been found by Jesus, His love COMPELS you to go out, find others and bring them to Him.

When Jesus truly CHANGES YOU, you can't help but TELL SOMEONE!!

This week, who has GOD placed on your heart to have a conversation with, invite to church, spend some time with, grab a coffee and begin investing in them with the purpose of sharing Jesus.

If VELOCITY is going to grow, we as His followers must adopt and live this out….FOUND PEOPLE FIND PEOPLE!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Breaking Bread with One Another….

Last Sunday we talked about how a disciple of Jesus "BREAKS BREAD" with other people.  In other words they "DO LIFE TOGETHER."  We looked at the word fellowship which literally means "social intimacy" with other people.


We looked at the "ONE ANOTHER" verses in the Bible.  As a DISCIPLE we are called to LOVE ONE ANOTHER, ENCOURAGE ONE ANOTHER, HONOR ONE ANOTHER, SUBMIT TO ONE ANOTHER.  Who wouldn't want to belong to a church that practices these principles.

Specifically, Galatians 6:2 tells us to "bear one another's burdens."  We are expected to pray for people.  I remember thinking, well I can't do anything, I'll just pray for people.  Prayer does set our mind on the path of GOD, however, our participation should not end there.  We are called to put our feet to our prayers.  This is true in our lives and the lives God gives us the privilege of being part of.

Mark 2 tells the story of some guys who stopped at nothing to make sure their friend met Jesus.  They didn't just pray, they carried their friend in his weakness, going so far as to dig a hole in the roof of the house where Jesus was, to get close to Him.

We need one another.  There are times in all our lives when others will have strength we lack, and times when we have strength to spare.

Who can you reach out to today?

Remember, as followers of Jesus, we aren't suppose to do life alone!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

True Compassion

As we study on Sundays what it means to be a DISCIPLE of Jesus, we said that a disciple is someone who HELPS THE HURTING.

Last Sunday we learned that the GREEK word for COMPASSION is splagchnizomai - which means to have the bowels yearn, feel deep sympathy, to be moved to ACTION!

True Compassion Demands Action.  To say you care, but not act, is to not care at all.  Like I said before true compassion demands action.  We are pros at SAYING we care, but then not BACKING it up with our ACTIONS.

Looking at the story of the Good Samaritan, he saw a need, was moved with compassion, and then did something about it.

Church we can't do everything, but we can do something.

Who in your circle of friends and acquaintances is hurting?  Who can you reach out and help today?  How will you be the hands and feet of Jesus?

If we are to be disciples of Jesus, we must be moved with compassion.  True compassion demands action!

This week look for opportunities to make things better.  You have the power to change lives, the question is will you step up and do it!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Christmas Eve!!

This is my personal invitation to all of you to join us on Christmas Eve for our service, Behold and Believe!!  This is going to be a time of fun, celebration, and reflection.  We would love for you to come early and enjoy hot chocolate and homemade cookies.  Each child that attends will receive a special Christmas present.  We are excited about starting this new tradition at Velocity Church as we celebrate the birth of our Savior and King.

5pm - Dulles Elementary School

We will have everyone out by 6pm.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What's Coming Up at Velocity Church

Hey guys, just wanted to take a few minutes and share what's coming up at Velocity Church.

1) This Friday we have the chance to serve at the Green Township, FAMILY WINTERFEST at Nathanael Green Lodge.  Its this Friday from 5-9pm, however we have to be there to set up by 4pm.  We are passing out FREE HOT APPLE CIDER and would love for you to come out and help us out.  They estimate between 600-1000 people will be there that night, so a great time to share with others about Velocity Church.  If you would like to help, email us at info@velocitychurch.me

2)  This Sunday we are KICKING OFF our CHRISTMAS SERIES called HE SHALL BE CALLED.  We are looking at the prophetic verse from Isaiah 9:6 that says a child will be born and he shall be called, WONDERFUL COUNSELOR, MIGHTY GOD, EVERLASTING FATHER, and PRINCE OF PEACE.  Can't wait to dive in and see how JESUS is all these and more to each of us today.

3)  Finally, you are going to hear a lot about this coming up, our CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE.  To say that I am pumped about this service would be a tremendous understatement.  Christmas EVE, 5pm, at JF DULLES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL will be the place to be.  We are calling the service BEHOLD AND BELIEVE and I promise it will be the BEST CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE we have EVER DONE :-)  I hope that you will make plans to join us.

That's about it VELOCITY!!  Love you guys and can't wait to see what God is going to do next!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A letter to Velocity Church....

Hey Velocity Church friends!!  I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving, I know that we sure did.  Here are a few things that I want to share with you all.

1)  Sunday we started a new series called CORE in which we are looking at the CORE Values of Velocity Church.  Sunday we unpacked our mission statement: Sharing the Freedom Found in Christ.  I want to encourage you that if you feel like you want to plug in at Velocity and become a "Velociteer" (I don't know if that's spelled right or even if that's what we are going to call people) Go and watch the sermon here: www.velocitychurch.me/sermons  We talked Sunday about how we are to be OUTWARD FOCUSED, GOSPEL CENTERED, and CHRIST EXALTING!! 

2)  This Sunday we will continue on in our series and talk about our VALUES as a church.  Afterwards we are having another informational lunch about Velocity at Cancun.  If you would like to join us that day for Lunch at 1pm, you can RSVP by sending us an email at info@velocitychurch.me  We would love to have you!!

3)  On December 9 we are beginning our Christmas Series.  We are calling it, HE SHALL BE CALLED!!  We are looking at Isaiah 9:6, specifically the FOUR names of Jesus that the prophet Isaiah called Him.  Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace.  Can't wait!!!

4)  Speaking of Christmas, we are having our FIRST CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE!!  The title is BEHOLD AND BELIEVE!!  I am PUMPED...AND you should start now praying about who you are going to invite to be apart of this AMAZING NIGHT with us!!  More details to follow on that!

5)  Finally, its such a privilege to serve at Velocity Church.  I'm excited to see how God is going to move and work in our Church as we wrap up 2012!!  Hold on to your FORK, the best is yet to COME!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

What's up Velocity Church?

Hey Velocity, hope you are having a great WEEK!! 
A few things on my mind today....

1)  Sunday we talked about what to do when the STORM hits your life!!  We said that no matter what happens we can DECLARE that JESUS IS WITH US, that he is IN CONTROL, and that he is PREPARING TO ACT - for our GOOD and HIS GLORY!!

2)  If you missed it on Sunday you can catch up here - www.velocitychurch.me

3)  We've had a lot of interest in people getting plugged in serving at VELOCITY!!  Which is AWESOME!!  If that's you, you can either do one of two things.  You can let us know that you want to serve by filling out a CONNECT CARD during the service and dropping it off at the INFO TENT.  Or, send us an email at info@velocitychurch.me and let us know you want to serve and where, and we will get you plugged in!! Serving at VELOCITY is not something we want from you, its something we want FOR YOU!!

4)  This Sunday we are going to look at how to have TRIUMPH IN THE MIDST OF TRAGEDY!!  If you want to read ahead and come ready, check out JOHN 9 the miracle of when Jesus healed the man born blind!  This would be a great opportunity to bring somebody with you to church that's going through a hard time!!  INVITE, INVITE!!

5)  Finally we've had several people ask when we are going to do another informational LUNCH about VELOCITY.  Go ahead and put down DECEMBER 2.  We will be back at CANCUN and feel free to join us for some good food and bring your questions about VELOCITY CHURCH!

That's all for today, have a great WEEK and see you SUNDAY at Church!