Thursday, September 4, 2014

True Compassion

As we study on Sundays what it means to be a DISCIPLE of Jesus, we said that a disciple is someone who HELPS THE HURTING.

Last Sunday we learned that the GREEK word for COMPASSION is splagchnizomai - which means to have the bowels yearn, feel deep sympathy, to be moved to ACTION!

True Compassion Demands Action.  To say you care, but not act, is to not care at all.  Like I said before true compassion demands action.  We are pros at SAYING we care, but then not BACKING it up with our ACTIONS.

Looking at the story of the Good Samaritan, he saw a need, was moved with compassion, and then did something about it.

Church we can't do everything, but we can do something.

Who in your circle of friends and acquaintances is hurting?  Who can you reach out and help today?  How will you be the hands and feet of Jesus?

If we are to be disciples of Jesus, we must be moved with compassion.  True compassion demands action!

This week look for opportunities to make things better.  You have the power to change lives, the question is will you step up and do it!!

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